Club Information

Membership Information
Membership Details & Fees
Memberships run from April 1 – March 31 of the following year. New members can join anytime during the year.
Members receive a key to the ADSF range when they pay their annual dues.
$70 for the primary member and $5 for each additional immediate family member i.e. husband, wife significant other and/or children under 18 years of age.
Prorated membership dues: reduced by 1/2 price after October 15th of the current membership year.
Become an Officer
We are always looking for new and motivated people to help run the club, so please let us know if you are interested.
Officers receive a free membership for the year.
Wednesday 3D shoots
Run from the beginning of April until the end of August
The course is set up by 4:30pm. Shooters must be on the course by 6pm
$10 for non-members, $5 for members, $20 for members for the full 3D season
3D shoots are open to any members of the public and are family friendly
Course is 10-14 targets, 2 shots per target
The course changes every week. Typically, targets are 20 yards to 60 yards, but came sometimes be places farther and closer
Archers de Santa Fe Archery Range Rules
- Wednesday 3-D Range: Opens at 5:00 pm. Shooters must be on the course no later than 6:00 pm. Targets will be pulled by last group starting at 6:00 pm.
- Two arrows per target from designated stakes.
- Limit groups to 4 – 5 shooters.
- Police your own trash, this includes broken arrows. Please dispose of properly.
- If unfamiliar with range, please ask for assistance.
- Limit profanity – respect others.
- Limit time looking for lost arrows, others may be waiting.
- One person must stay at target if others are looking for arrows, if single leave bow visible at shooting stake.
- Do not cut across course, go from stake to target, back to stake.
- If targets are too far out, feel free to step closer.
- NO alcohol allowed.
- If you notice a dangerous situation, please speak up.
- Children must be accompanied by an adult.
These Rules are Posted at the Archery Range under the green canopy.
Can I shoot guns at the range?
No, guns are not allowed at the range. However, there are popular shooting areas further into the Caja del Rio past the turn-off for the Archers de Santa Fe range.
Do you offer lessons?
We do not offer lessons. However, long-time club member, Randy Neumann – [email protected] – offers lessons on a limited basis. You can also contact The Archery Shoppe or Hit or Miss Archery in Albuquerque.
Can you fix my bow?
We do not provide any tuning or maintenance services. See either The Archery Shoppe or Hit or Miss Archery in Albuquerque for maintenance or tuning.
Are you open today?
The range is not staffed, but the gate is open from 4pm to sunset on Wednesday evenings from the beginning of April to the end of August.
Do you rent equipment?
Please inquire by sending an email to [email protected] or filling out the contact form below
Do you host events?
Yes, we hold two annual shoots. At the end of April, we host a kids shoot at the Archers de Santa Fe range. In early June, we host a two-day 3D shoot at Fenton Lake State Park. See our events page for more information.
For additional events please inquire by sending an email to [email protected] or filling out the contact form below
Get in Touch.
If you have a question that hasn’t been answered in our Commons Questions on our contact page or elsewhere on our website, please contact us through the form, below